Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gearing SURF up for Summer

I'm excited for SURF for the summer. Typically Summer is slow and many people don't go to SURF during the midweek, this makes holding the group difficult. This year in order to avoid that by focusing on outreach and events.
In additional to still meeting every Wednesdays 6:30-8pm and Sunday mornings at 9, 10:30.

Here is our Summer SURF event schedule:
Wednesday, May 7, 6:30-8pm: Kick Off Pool Party
Saturday, May 17th, 4:45pm: Prince Caspian Movie (Narnia 2) $7.50
Friday, May 30th, 5pm-9pm: SURF Movie Night $3
Wednesday, June 4th, 6:30-8pm: Going to BOOMERS!
June 15th-21st: Wagon Train Summer Camp at Hume Lake
Wednesday, June 25th, 6:30-8pm: SURF is taking the famous Wagon Train game DnG to Woodward park!!
Thursday, July 3rd: Freedom Fest- Fireworks, food and fun at Church.
July 7th-11th: VBS: Indiana Jones themed VBS. Name is top secret!!
August 13th: SURF Rock Concert Night
Thursday, August 24th: Grizzly Game

Rock on!! I'm excited!!
Hit me up for more info!
Jesse - jessenewcov{dot}com

Monday, April 28, 2008


Welcome to the blog of the New Covenant Community Church children's ministry. This blog is designed for everyone. This blog will show inside New Cov's Children's Ministry and the folks who are running it.
This is also a great way to learn about our Children's Ministry for people who are checking out our church. Feel free to read as much as you like and ask any questions that come to mind.
We hope this blog is also a fun place of fellowship and enjoying how great our God is.