Friday, May 9, 2008

Elevate Report

Originally uploaded by JesseDCaron
So Arpee and I decided last minute to go to this conference called Elevate. We weren't sure it was going to work out with all of the graduation and summer stuff going on now, but the correct seas were parted and we made it. It's been a really great conference so far.
I started out the conference alittle bummed thinking, "man we are terrible" but then I started hearing things we are doing right. I talked to people who are actually envious of what we have.
Now I realize that our children's ministry is very good but we have a chance at greatness. I pray that I can bring some good ideas back.
Incidentally, I took a picture with this Pepsi machine at the hotel because it made me laugh because it looks old and nobody thought to replace it. Kind of seems like some of the ministry stories I hear here.
Incidentally 2, I have the worst camera phone ever, don't worry this picture wasn't taken beyond any sort of grave.


The Weaver's said...

Hey, why don't you turn around and let us see the back of that neck?

Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

Silly, I put a sunburn update (with picture) up right after this! Thanks for the interest though.